Hey there, I don’t know if you are
aware of this or not nevertheless, I would like to make you aware that no
matter what you think of yourself you are cool. Cooler then the whole herd out
there who you think are dude or dudette just because they are indulge in
something in which you aren’t.
Just be comfortable in your skin and have confidence in yourself, trust us, you
will be called “cool” at some point of your life by some not so dimwitted
people without sacrificing your lungs, liver or money and having a life which
is worth it.
Why all of a sudden are we rattling
about being “cool”? Well, our young generation seems cool the way they are but
they aren’t aware of it. Being cool doesn’t really matter but if it does for
you then it shouldn’t be at the cost of your wellbeing or somebody’s well-being.
Through our blog we will let all our philanthropists, kind hearted, mature,
well behaved, creative, friendly, bold or may be shy youngsters know how cool
they are for today’s world when they are young and tomorrow’s world when they
are adults.
What one may find seems cool but is
it really?
Ruining health (mental or physical)
and becoming bum, is not so cool right? Or maybe yes, it is, if it’s in form of
substance abuse or drinking and squandering all our money and health on nothing
but a bad stress reliever is damn cool for many. Having people to fool around
with but no one to look up to or lean on seems cool right?
I mean what type of cool person has
healthy body, mind and good social status as well as relation? Doing exercise,
hanging out with friends and leading a responsible life is what losers do
according to this “being cool trend”.
Every action of ours have
consequence, even defining, what exactly is cool for us has an enormous impact
on our personality as well as life. Therefore, let’s try to learn what actually
is cool and unlearn what isn’t. Let’s not just give in to certain trend. We are
evolved species and the best version of our species that already makes us cool
so let’s not ruin our inborn cool vibes for nothing. Let’s develop ourselves to
something cooler.
Guys it’s your life so do whatever
you want. We are no one to point out what is right or wrong or cool or not cool
for you. But what we trying to point out is, this trend which portrays every
unhealthy habit, toxic mentality and behavior as standard for being cool is
Few toxic habits pointed out by our
authors which are really not cool in this “being cool” trend –
- Using abusive words, hurting, insulting and harassing people just to feel superior is not cool dear. These habits signify personality complex problem therefore seek help if these behaviors are out of your hand but if these are standard for being cool then please do reconsider your decision of “being cool”.
- Expressing emotions whether its happiness, sadness or wound (mental or physical) is healthy and being healthy is cool. So, let’s learn to express our emotions in a right way rather than bottling it up to the point of our break down because being healthy is way cooler than being violent, exhausted or miserable, you know.
- Seek for help, when it’s too much, it’s cool to take break or ask for help. Asking for help and helping others in need is way cooler than abusing or threatening others anonymously on internet.
- Having gratitude for what we have in our life, being emotional, empathetic and being the keeper, makes one admirable and precious therefore not even in the parallel universe a person with these qualities is uncool. If you are one with these qualities, we want you to know that you are damn precious, periodt.
Well, there is a beautiful quote from Dr. Romantic –
“The law of romantic conservation: Most people know values exist, but they believe they don’t. Yet they still hope that someone preserves them. Those beautiful values. Living means taking a new path every day. Whether you want it or not, you face the reality that comes at you each day. We can’t get things right all the time, but don’t give up asking why we live and what we live for. The moment you do that, our romance ends as well.” So, want to be cool? We’ll be the one who preserve these beautiful values because there is whole lot of crowds there who gave up on these values.- Having faith in something or someone whether it is in God, Person or Religion has nothing to do with being cool. So, it’s alright to believe in Almighty, it’s alright to follow whatever religion you follow and it’s alright to not follow anything. None of your religious belief makes you cool or not cool. What makes one cool is tolerance and respect towards other human, if one is tolerant and respectful towards other people believe, faith and ideology, they don’t have to care about being cool. Not believing in God is a belief and believing in a god is also a belief. So, both are same and nothing makes a person cool. Considering yourself under one should be done out of one’s soul decision not on what’s c
- Relationship status or relationship style has nothing to do with “being cool”. Being faithful, trustworthy and dependable in relationship does signify emotional maturity but you may learn things the hard way but it has nothing to do with being cool.
- Relationship is something to cherish but is not an achievement or prize so let’s not treat it like one. Being in relationship or not being in it, is choice, not a medium to look cool. Platonic, bona fide, committed or casual every relationship is worth it if we are true to ourselves and true to the people involved in the relationship. If the parties involved in the relationship are fine with the relationship, they are involved in then it’s really cool.
- Old school or hook up culture, these
are choices not standards or trends therefore have a life according to your
preference without trying to fit in a trend. Your preference backed by
rationality is cool.
- Language is used for communication. No one of us know how, why or when it became the part of this “cool” trend. Language doesn’t make anyone cool or not cool but what message we are trying to or conveying through our language does reflect one’s personality and have impact on others. So, let’s focus on the impact and respect all languages. This will definitely make us cool; you know.
- Entertainment is for recreation therefore any form of entertainment which rejuvenates you is cool. Your taste in entertainment has nothing to do with being cool or basic. Watch or listen to or do whatever you enjoy, don’t give up on your enjoyment because of certain trend.
- And lastly accepting mistakes, apologizing and trying to be the better version of ourselves is cooler than the coolest. So don’t worry about your cool aura, make mistakes and learn from then rather than denying or justifying them. Cool is being rational and self-aware.
Conclusively being cool is no big deal. Being perceived as cool is no big achievement and not being perceived as cool is not something that one should be worried about. You being comfortable in your skin, having behavior backed by rationality and proper understanding of what you actually want or what influence you should have on others, makes you classic.
Become a classic personality that trends will follow.
True ✨
ReplyDeleteBeing cool is being your own self.